Correlation between hyperphosphatemia and cardiac arrhythmias in chronic renal failure patients.
Riferimento bibliografico:
(XLVIII Congress of the European renal Association European Dialysis and Transplant Association ERA-EDTA Jun 23-26,2011 Prague, Czech Republic ) Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation ABSTRACTS ON CD-ROM [Sa369] 2011
(XLVIII Congress of the European renal Association European Dialysis and Transplant Association ERA-EDTA Jun 23-26,2011 Prague, Czech Republic ) Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation ABSTRACTS ON CD-ROM [Sa369] 2011
Data pubblicazione:
Autori: Staffolani E, Galli D, Nicolais R, Magliano G, Forleo GB, Santini L. Romano V, Sgueglia M, Romeo F, Di Daniele N.
High concentrations of phosfphorus, often detected in patients with chronic renal failure, are associated with incresed risk of cardiovascular events, increased risk of sudden death and the presence of extensive vascular calcification.