Normalization of body mass index in patients with chronic kidney disease in treatment with low protein diet.
Riferimento bibliografico:
(XLVIII Congress of the European renal Association European Dialysis and Transplant Association ERA-EDTA Jun 23-26,2011 Prague, Czech Republic ) Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation ABSTRACTS ON CD-ROM [F120] 2011
(XLVIII Congress of the European renal Association European Dialysis and Transplant Association ERA-EDTA Jun 23-26,2011 Prague, Czech Republic ) Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation ABSTRACTS ON CD-ROM [F120] 2011
Data pubblicazione:
Autori: Galli D, Miani N, Staffolani E, Nicolais R,Borzacchi MS,Tozzo C,Manca di Villahermosa S, Di Daniele N.
Nutritional intervention in urmia, speciufically the restricted protein diet, has been under debate for decades, the results of various clinical trials have not been concordant. Recently published data show that the restricted protein diets seem to be effective and safe inb ameliorating nitrogen waste products retention and disturbance in acid-base and calcium-phosphorus metabolism, and in delayng the initiation of renal replacement therapy (RRT), without any deleterious effect on the nutritional status of patients with chronic kidney disease.