Home > Pubblicazioni > Successful pregnancy in a uremic patient treated with single needle haemodiailysis.

Successful pregnancy in a uremic patient treated with single needle haemodiailysis.

Riferimento bibliografico:
(Abstracts: XXXIV Annual ESAO Congress, 5-8 September 2007, Krems – Austria) The International Journal of Artificial Organs / Vol. 30 / no. 8, Pag. 740 3 (P-45) 2007
Data pubblicazione:
Autori: Miani N, Ferrannini M, Staffolani E, Vischini G, Naticchia A, D'Ascenzo FM, Di Daniele N.
Pregnancy is uncommon in patients on maintenance haemodialysis (HD) and carries a high risk of fetal and maternal complications. Several reports have shown that application of an intensive dialysis regimen (24 hours/week) is associated with improved infant survival and better clinical conditions of mother. We report a case of successful pregnancy outcome in a black 35-year-old woman treated with single needle dialysis.
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