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Apheresis technologies and clinical applications: the 2002 international apheresis registry.

Riferimento bibliografico:
Ther Apher Dial. 2004 Apr;8(2):124-43.
Data pubblicazione:
Autori: Paul S Malchesky, Anna P Koo, Gerald A Roberson, Angela T Hadsell and Lisa A Rybicki
Abstract: The developments in apheresis technologies and techniques and their clinical applications worldwide are technologically, sociologically, and economically motivated. In past apheresis surveys, the statistics have highlighted both the differences by geographic region in clinical practice and in the types of technologies utilized. While a national view of apheresis is very important, an international view may be more representative overall of this therapeutic modality than national results that are highly dependent on the local economics and the available technologies. These regional differences have provided a basis for scientific and clinical assessment of these apheresis technologies and their clinical outcomes and have impacted the marketing and business developments of new technologies worldwide. The results of the International Apheresis Registry for 2002, reporting on 33 centers on four continents, are presented. The survey collected data, predominantly via an internet website, on 811 patients for a total of 11 428 treatments. Information gathered included patient demographics, medical history, treatment diagnoses, treatment specifics (type, methodology, access type, anticoagulants, drugs, and equipment usage), side-effects, clinical response, and payment provider. As in the prior International Apheresis Registries for 1983 and 2000, the survey results highlight the regional differences in apheresis usage and treatment specifics, indicating that an international overview of apheresis may be more representative of the impact of this therapeutic modality. Key Words: Registry, Survey, Therapeutic apheresis.
Mutlu Arat, Önder Arslan, Erol Ayyildiz, Rolf Bambauer, Ghil Busnach, Kurt Derfler, Giustina De Silvestro, Serafina Di Giacomo, Takashi Harada, Hideki Hirakata, Osman Ilhan, Martin Jansen, Stefan KallertAndre , Petar Kes, Norella C Kong, Anna P Koo, Jose Mauro Kutner, Miriam Leach, Maura Mareri, Piero Marson, Hidenori Matsuo, Luigi Moriconi, Kazuko Motohashi, Shigeo Negi, C Michael Neuwelt, Vicki R Oberg, Stefano Passalacqua, Araci Massami Sakashita, Orhan Seyfi Sardas, Koji Sawada, Sherry Shariatmadar, Noriaki ShimadaKostas Sombolos, Eun Young Song, Rakesh Srivastava, Emiliano Staffolani, Claudio Stefanutti, Leonel N. Szterling, Hiromi Tasaki, MD, Meltem Tol, Silvano Wendel, Hin-Seng Wong, Jiann-Horng Yeh,
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