Home > Pubblicazioni > A two-compartment kinetic model for assessing dialysis dose in chronic hemodialysis patients

A two-compartment kinetic model for assessing dialysis dose in chronic hemodialysis patients

Riferimento bibliografico:
Atti Convegno GRICU 2004 - pp. 231-234
Data pubblicazione:
Autori: R. Lavecchia, E. Staffolani, A. Zuorro
This paper reports the results of a kinetic study aimed at quantifying the efficiency of urea removal during a hemodialysis treatment. A mathematical model considering the distribution of urea into a constant-volume intracellular space and a variable-volume extracellular compartment was developed. The model was validated on a set of 68 dialysis sessions referring to 9 chronically dialyzed patients. Estimates of extracellular urea concentrations were accurate within ± 3%. The model was also used to calculate the urea reduction ratio and to compare predictions with those obtained by the single-pool model.
The results indicated that the delivered dialysis dose can be significantly overestimated (up to 20%) if compartment effects are not considered.
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